Cochrane Africa Co-ordinating Hub Translations

The Co-ordinating Unit of Cochrane Africa has undertaken a project to translate plain language summaries (PLS) and abstracts of Cochrane Reviews into Portuguese to make them more accessible to non-English speakers. A team of seven volunteers from Mozambique who had attended an Evidence-based health care and Cochrane workshop carried out the translations. Cochrane Africa collaborated with Cochrane Brazil translation’s co-ordinator who provided support and training materials for the volunteers and revised and published the abstracts and PLS in the Cochrane Library.

Nineteen abstracts and PLS have been translated into Portuguese thus far. They are outlined below, according to the topic addressed in the review:
Parenting programmes [Programas de educação parental]
Kidney disease [Doença renal]
Hygiene [Higiene]
Effective practice and health systems [Práctica clínica e sistemas de saúde eficazes]
Malnutrition [Desnutrição]
Vaccination [Vacinação]