What are the goals of Cochrane Africa?

Since 2007, African collaborators have worked to improve the production of high-quality, Africa-relevant Cochrane Reviews and to support their use in policy and practice through stakeholder engagement and capacity building.

Cochrane Reviews from Africa have informed several national and international guidelines, particulMap of Africaarly in the areas of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Cochrane Africa’s work builds on this track record and aims to enhance and expand these activities.

The goals of Cochrane Africa are to:

  • Conduct relevant reviews based on priority setting, identification of research gaps and regional stakeholder needs.
  • Build capacity by providing learning and mentoring opportunities for conducting and using relevant reviews.
  • Advocate for dissemination, translation and use of evidence.
  • Build partnerships to promote evidence-informed healthcare in collaboration with African leadership.
  • Create opportunities to grow the network